Student Handouts
These resources are free. Also available are Grade-level Grids and Teacher Notes.
For additional information, please email contact@mathmilestones.org.
Student Handouts
For each Math Milestones™ task there is a student handout. Math Milestones™ tasks are not designed for summative assessment. Used formatively, the tasks can reveal and promote student thinking. Student work on tasks could be collected in student portfolios.
The Math Milestones™ Student Handouts are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
Launch Guidance
These instructional routines have shown to be helpful for launching Math Milestones™ tasks with students. They intend to introduce the task and support students’ entry into the task while still positioning students as thinkers and doers of mathematics.
Studying Student Thinking
Use this process to learn about your students’ thinking by asking them to make it visible. This process can take the form of a 1:1 interview or be adapted for engaging with a group of students when they are working on a Math Milestones™ task.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8